Thursday, August 20, 2009


Pigeons here,
Pigeons there,
Pigeons everywhere.

Seeds and grains make up their diet.
Yet their willing to sample
Just about anything and try it.

Some pigeons are colorful,
Some pigeons are social,
Yet other pigeons are fragile.

Pigeons are different from birds.
Pigeons use thier beaks like straws.
Birds take a sip of water
And throw back their heads
To let the water trickle down their throat.

Pigeons are smart,
Because they passed the mirror test
Without having to take a retest.

A pigeon flew.
A pigeon sat.
I wonder what he was looking at.

Love is Blind

You walk into the room
she can see you by listening.
You give her a hug
and she can see you by feeling.

Every smile you give,
to the frowns you try to get rid.
she can see it all,
because her love is blind.

You go to her with your tears
talking about the trublesome relationships.
Yet in your mind she knows nothing
because her love is blind.

You guide her when she walks
you laugh with her when she talks,
because with her advise you realize
all that she can see.

There she lies at rest
with her eyes closed.
Yet you know she can still see
with her love ever so blind.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I Felt…

I felt the heat of the
scorching sun on my thirsty skin.

I felt the warmth of unity
while we enjoyed our blessed feast.

I felt my legs getting heavier
as we reached our inspirational setting.

I felt the strain of the
vacant stares bouncing off the fountain.

I felt that each stare was
a special world searching for answers.

I felt each of us carrying
different emotions but nonetheless, our own

I Felt!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My Heroes...

There comes a time in life when you wonder...

Who are you heroes?

As I ponder, I think to myself...

You brought me into this world not knowing what would become of your little girl.

You taught me many things such as good & bad, right from wrong & that through

everything would be possible.

You taught me to love & to be loved.

You taught me to stand up for what I believe & most importantly treat others as I

would want to be treated.

I can't imagine what life would be without you two. What would I do? What would I say?

Would I be myself again? How would I continue my journey of life without you two by

my side?

Many things cross my mind when I think about my heroes & what they have done

for me.

But number 1 on my list...

Heaven sent, I would not trade them for anything in the world!!!



As the eldest of two siblings from a single income family that grew up here in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, I know firsthand how difficult it can be to make ends meet. Nonetheless, through pure determination one can triumph and become successful. I held a part-time job and worked afterschool throughout high school and even worked two jobs the summer of the year I graduated just to save enough money to be able to afford to move away for college. My current academic plan is to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree from The University of Texas – Pan American and then continuing with my graduate studies by enrolling in the Master’s Degree Program upon graduation. By completing my academic plans, I can achieve my career goal of ultimately assuming a new leadership role of more significance which will position me with capacity to raise the bar of excellence and make a difference in the field of Education.

The One

As I sat on the stairway
I thought of all the pain you are to me
what it is a shame
I know there is a person filled with determination
who is ready to succeed
I try my hardest not to think what you are
but your image remains the same
What can I do if my feelings have already changed?
Let faith take it day by day enjoy the blessings
everyone is who he or she wants to be
Your image will never fade
you are who you are and that is something you cannot change!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

A Loving Mother

I've been thinking of how time is passing by and
the more I think of this it makes me want to cry.
I remember the day you were born
on a cold winter day,
you arrived to fill me with warmth every single day.

When I think of love I always think of you
because no matter what I do you're always
there to make my day.

Time has passed by and know you're only two, but as
you grow you become more independent and that
makes me wonder, will their be a day when I don't
have to be around? But as you're loving mother
I'll always be around.