Thursday, August 20, 2009


Pigeons here,
Pigeons there,
Pigeons everywhere.

Seeds and grains make up their diet.
Yet their willing to sample
Just about anything and try it.

Some pigeons are colorful,
Some pigeons are social,
Yet other pigeons are fragile.

Pigeons are different from birds.
Pigeons use thier beaks like straws.
Birds take a sip of water
And throw back their heads
To let the water trickle down their throat.

Pigeons are smart,
Because they passed the mirror test
Without having to take a retest.

A pigeon flew.
A pigeon sat.
I wonder what he was looking at.

Love is Blind

You walk into the room
she can see you by listening.
You give her a hug
and she can see you by feeling.

Every smile you give,
to the frowns you try to get rid.
she can see it all,
because her love is blind.

You go to her with your tears
talking about the trublesome relationships.
Yet in your mind she knows nothing
because her love is blind.

You guide her when she walks
you laugh with her when she talks,
because with her advise you realize
all that she can see.

There she lies at rest
with her eyes closed.
Yet you know she can still see
with her love ever so blind.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I Felt…

I felt the heat of the
scorching sun on my thirsty skin.

I felt the warmth of unity
while we enjoyed our blessed feast.

I felt my legs getting heavier
as we reached our inspirational setting.

I felt the strain of the
vacant stares bouncing off the fountain.

I felt that each stare was
a special world searching for answers.

I felt each of us carrying
different emotions but nonetheless, our own

I Felt!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My Heroes...

There comes a time in life when you wonder...

Who are you heroes?

As I ponder, I think to myself...

You brought me into this world not knowing what would become of your little girl.

You taught me many things such as good & bad, right from wrong & that through

everything would be possible.

You taught me to love & to be loved.

You taught me to stand up for what I believe & most importantly treat others as I

would want to be treated.

I can't imagine what life would be without you two. What would I do? What would I say?

Would I be myself again? How would I continue my journey of life without you two by

my side?

Many things cross my mind when I think about my heroes & what they have done

for me.

But number 1 on my list...

Heaven sent, I would not trade them for anything in the world!!!



As the eldest of two siblings from a single income family that grew up here in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, I know firsthand how difficult it can be to make ends meet. Nonetheless, through pure determination one can triumph and become successful. I held a part-time job and worked afterschool throughout high school and even worked two jobs the summer of the year I graduated just to save enough money to be able to afford to move away for college. My current academic plan is to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree from The University of Texas – Pan American and then continuing with my graduate studies by enrolling in the Master’s Degree Program upon graduation. By completing my academic plans, I can achieve my career goal of ultimately assuming a new leadership role of more significance which will position me with capacity to raise the bar of excellence and make a difference in the field of Education.

The One

As I sat on the stairway
I thought of all the pain you are to me
what it is a shame
I know there is a person filled with determination
who is ready to succeed
I try my hardest not to think what you are
but your image remains the same
What can I do if my feelings have already changed?
Let faith take it day by day enjoy the blessings
everyone is who he or she wants to be
Your image will never fade
you are who you are and that is something you cannot change!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

A Loving Mother

I've been thinking of how time is passing by and
the more I think of this it makes me want to cry.
I remember the day you were born
on a cold winter day,
you arrived to fill me with warmth every single day.

When I think of love I always think of you
because no matter what I do you're always
there to make my day.

Time has passed by and know you're only two, but as
you grow you become more independent and that
makes me wonder, will their be a day when I don't
have to be around? But as you're loving mother
I'll always be around.

Its So Hot!

It is so hot it makes me feel blue.
The day is hot and the wind is dry, too.

Everyone is looking for ways to stay cool.
Even the pigeons seem to be using the fountain.

It is true; I wish I was inside the building drinking
a cold glass of water or juice.

It is so hot; I’ve lost my train of thought.
Even my classmates seem to have a blank stare on them, as if confused.

Rumor has it, my professor and my classmates have melted,
Could be true? Am I going home in just a minute or two?

A Hot Sunny Day

The day was super hot and dry. We were to walk to a fountain on the other side, as we walked, it felt like if it was miles and miles away.
Minutes past, we were still walking and the sun glistened over all of us while itseemed to become hotter and hotter.
As we got to sit down around the fountain, it was a while past as we began to calm down. It was like if we had crossed a hot desert.
While most of us were upset with the heat, the birds around the fountain seemed to enjoy the freshwater, as they flapped around like if the weather was perfect.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Your precious little face
Your sweet little smile that filled my life
with love and joy.
Curious and creative
Little boy you’re the light of my eyes
Energetic and enthuastic
Little boy you have bless my life
Bright and precious
little boy you captured my heart
from the moment you were born.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Viejas Fotos

Cuando hablamos de viejas fotos todos nos perdemos en un sueño del pasado. Hacemos memoria de nuestras vidas y tomamos control de nuestros sentimientos. Las viejas fotos son un recuerdo del que nunca podremos olvidar y el cual recordaremos con orgullo. Para mi cada una de mis fotos es como volver a nacer. Al verlas recuerdo cada detalles de ellas como si hubiera pasado ayer. Como olvidar mi primer aniversario o mi primera graduacion. Tambien por mi mente pasaron los recuerdos de aquellos dias de mis pasatiempos, al igual que todos los recuerdos de mis amigos queridos. Los dias festivos estan llenos de fotos y acomo pasan los años se hacen vieja como aquella Navidad del 2004 cuando dios nos brindo una hermosa y blanca navidad. Al paso del tiempo llega el amor al lado de tu linda esposa y como olvidar aquel pequeñin que te lleno tu vida de felicidad. Una vida llena de recuerdos y sentimientos cuales son cubiertos por unas simples viejas fotos.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tree Shadows

Tree Shadows

After the long walk
I am glad to find a shade that hovers upon my back
As the wind alleviates my dehydration
I start to seek in nature a cue for inspiration
But the only thing I see
Is only sufficient light hitting the blank pages of my notebook
In hope of an inspiring ballad
Or a composition of enlightenment
I search and seek for perfect rhyme
So soon time has passed
And the shadows of the trees have moved from my notebook
Yet I search and seek for perfect rhyme
I missed my chance to paint the shadows of the tree

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Letter

They gave me the letter
They said it was positive
They told me don't worry
They told me good luck

I was scared
I was nervous
I felt everything coming down
I couldn't breath

I finally got the courage
I finally had enough
I said no more crying
And I gave the news to everyone

My parents were devastated
My parents were mad
My sisters' were worried
Everyone was shocked

I went to the doctor
They put me on a machine
They asked if I knew what I had
I said no,
She smiled and said "congratulations it's a girl"

I smiled holding my tears
My husband held my hand
My worries went away when he said
"I love you, I promise we'll be fine."


Today is an unexpected day full of surprises...
Within those surprises many things are bound to happen...
If only the surprise and hope of the butterfly will occur...
The hope that the pain of the butterfly heals...
That it heals and its able to be free...
Free without any blistering pain and without any unloving color...
For the wings to be left perfect without any scarring or scabs...
I'm hoping the best for this day and the beautiful butterfly...
And yet the surprise of today be the great recovery of the butterfly...

The Snowball

I walk outside to greet the snowball
And notice how handsome he has become
It sits there with such grace that
Every creature and every man admire his beauty
So fragile with white skinned face that
With a single touch more wrinkles will appear
I am afraid
Afraid of waking up and not seeing the snowball
Afraid that the sun itself will melt it all away
I ask for time
Time to keep the snowball to myself
Time so he won't leave me all alone
I walk inside my red-brick home
And look back and notice how time has passed
I notice water on the floor
I do not want to let go
As I keep walking towards my home
I look down and notice puddles on the floor
Drip Drop Drip Drop
Is all I hear
But I look back and notice
My snowball is still here
I smile at him like nothing's wrong
But I will not let him know
I am afraid
I ask for time
And I do not want to let him go


Tú eres la luz de mis ojos, los pasos de mí caminar.
Alegre e inquieta como una mariposa, llenas mi vida de felicidad.
Eres el ser que me impulsa a seguir adelante en este mundo lleno de maldad.
Jamás pensé que un ser tan pequeño me diera tanto amor y bondad.
Cuando por primera vez te tome en mis brazos y sentí el calor de tu cuerpo
Todo mi mundo cambio por completo.
Hoy al verte crecer revoloteando de un lado a otro,
Me duele el pensar que un día abrirás tus hermosas alas de mariposa
Para volar por los cielos.
En ocasiones te sentirás confusa y perdida,
Pero me consuela saber que el amor incondicional de madre
Que te he brindado te hará regresar a mí.
Y te tomare en mis brazos, te besaré y te consolaré como la primera vez.

Monday, August 10, 2009


Every morning I hear beautiful
birds sing in the window
I wonder
what if I was a bird
I will get to fly
high in the sky
I will be free
like a bee
I will have feathers and wouldn’t
fear the weather
I would be colorful
and thoughtful
If I was a red bird
my wings would fled
If I was a blue bird
I wouldn’t have a clue on
What to do
I wish I was a bird

Left Behind

I wake up
and I notice
the coffee pot

The pans

The bed
never laid in

The closet door

Her fragrance

It hits


My family


Water Fountain

First day at Pan Am I was too nervous
to notice anything...
Where's my class?
Will I make it on time?
Where were you that spring of 2008?
I never noticed you until today...
Where were you when I scurried
to class in a hurry?
You've gone unchanged and yet,
why is it that I just noticed you?
I know you have no worries...
You just stand there in the midst of it all...letting water fall.
You've gone unnoticed by many
and yet admired by some.
Cool you look today, July 2009
water falls as birds take a sip one at a time.
How wonderful it is to notice you now...
This HOT, HOT July 2009.

Days Without You

As the days come the days will go,
the truth hurts, its better not to know.
Since you left, the days are black,
and its really immposible to live, without you.
I miss you this days, just like I miss you the last,
for some reason or another, I can't put you in the past.
You will be my eternal love
and this burning flame will continue above.
by Viridiana Perez


Your laughter is melody to my ears

Your affection …

I always want to have near

I aspire to protect you from your fears

Cause I never want to see you tear

Your voice…

I constantly want to hear

I desire to make you blissful all your years.

So, I will always be here

Oh, I love you dear...


I wrote this poem thinking of the day
you became part of my life
who starts my day off right.

The presence of you never makes me feel alone
even on days when we only talk on the phone.

You strengthen me when I am weak,
you lift my spirits when I am down with a frown.

You turn darkness into streaming rays of light
that shine so bright
it could blind your sight.

A friend never looks down upon you
or makes you feel incomplete
lie a statue made of concrete.

A friend never feels selfish. hatred or
resentment on the things you do
despite the times when I am a shrew.

A friend holds you close to their heart
like a newborn baby hearing their mothers heart.

A friend is an angel sent from above
that symbolizes the unique
characteristics of a white dove.


There is no time.
The days go by.
In a blink of an eye.
Another day has passed by.
You try to make time but
plans change all the time.
Time keeps on ticking by.
Time keeps on ticking as
passengers go by.
Looking through a small
window of light.
As people pass by with
no sense of time.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


The End

Hot, dry, sunny,
The sense of burning flesh is felt among my body.
These are my feelings when being outside.
Everyone enjoying the day like the world is a beautiful place.
We are close to the end, can’t everyone feel that.

I feel scared, surrounded by fear.
I look all around and beauty is nowhere to be found.
People are polluting the air; trash is thrown everywhere.
The world is becoming over-populated;
Trees are being cut down.
I see the end of mankind.

When will the end come?
Is it near?
Will it hurt?
Is it going to be a slow process?
These questions arise on a daily basis.

People will suffer for their wrong doings.
Animals are becoming extinct.
The world is beginning to melt and fires arise every day.
The seasons are interfering with one another.
Crime and war are increasing rapidly.

The sounds of fear are heard around the world.
There’s no help around, people are shutting the doors at each other.
People seek for shelter in the house of God pleading for mercy.
Don’t you see you brought it upon yourself?

The end is here and there is no way out.

By: Brenda Trevino


Love is an unexplainable feeling, there are no exact words to define love.
Love grows like when you water a plant,
Love grows like when you feed a newborn baby,
Love is a beautiful thing,
Love is what mom's feel towards their children,
Love is from a husband to his wife,
Love is to love God, friends and your work,
Love is to Love life,
All this is love and it grows to be FOREVER!

Suffering here, there, and everywhere

Suffering here, there and everywhere. A man asking how much was a loaf of bread, after the cashiers respond he put one loaf down and started counting some change. "Take both of them sir," I said, " I will buy them for you." He looked at me and gave me such a smile, he thanked me so much, "don't worry, I answered after he would tell me, "I'll repay you one day," "with the smile you gave me you repaid me and brightened my day." I don't have the power to end world suffering but God gave me strenght to help those who he puts in my way.

By: Judy Lopez

Thank You!

Thank You!

God Almighty,
Thank You for
The day that
You intervened
And didn’t allow
My days be slic-
ed. Thank You
For the sunrise
That smiles with
Gleam everyday I open my eyes. The colors of life fill my horizon and for that I say thank You once more. Thank You for the incomplete puzzle You allowed me to make whole; I cannot imagine me a better family to adore. Thank You for the countless friends You surround me with, for they are a gift from above. Thank
You for Your faith-
fulness cause it
forever endures.
But most of all
I thank You for
Your amazing
love because
it is for every-
one, both young
and old. And thro-
ugh Your mercy
that is new every
morn’ You offer us
without a doubt,
the gift of Your
salvation. Thus
on the day of Your
return, we too can
enjoy a ride up
on the clouds &
see the beauty
of Your face.


Nature is beauty that brings happiness to our hearts,

It blows through our hearts like a colorful butterfly,

It strengthens our hearts like the big wings they carry,

Butterflies, butterflies live in the heart of nature.

We all survive under the existence of nature,

Each and every part of the world enjoy the nature,

Life is not even half of what nature is,

Without nature, there would be bo way of survival.

Nature is the birds flying through the dawn,

They flap and flap to pleasure the nature,

Sunny and hot goes by through the day,

But nature lets life show it's real beauty.

We greatfully are thankful of the pleasant nature,

We, humans, need nature to live and tell,

Saving the nature is our responsibility,

A true honest soul is what nature is all about.

Melting Gold

Yellow, bright like a chunk of shiny gold
How can such beauty be with held?
Up in the sky, miles apart
You give us light and warmth
All in which fills our hearts

But now I observe
You seem to be stronger and definitely longer
So powerful and immense
Your light becomes never ending
Your warmth becomes fire.

And now I sit outside, feeling like a mess
Competely drenched in sweat
Thinking to myself if this is some kind of revenge
For years of environmental abuse and neglect

At Noon Time

I see people sitting sweaty and agitated.
Their faces filled with anger and frustration.
Many are looking for shade and a place to sit.
Many don’t appreciate the nature that surrounds us.
Some just sit and show an upset looking stare.
With confusion asking what do we do?

They are not aware what must be done is the simplest task.
Some are observing the gleaming sun that beats down on the gray sidewalk.
It gives a reflection that brightens all of the surroundings.
The light reflects even brighter from the water in the fountain.
The fountain of inspiration everyone looks at closely.
How can something so beautiful be out there in the sun?

It reminds me of a refreshing taste after a long journey in the desert.
The birds are enjoying the water from the fountain, but people can’t understand.
And ask. How can they be out there?
As they sit in the shadows of the big trees to avoid melting?

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Are all around us
We sit and pray and they will listen
We dance and laugh and they will listen
We play and love and they will listen
We yell and hate and they will listen
We breathe and live
And they give us wisdom and strength
Were sent to protect and love us
Are all around us
“are they”?
Do you believe in Angels?
Do their powers really exist?
Can they protect us?
If they can then why does evil exist?
Maybe your Angel is the person beside you
You will never know
Will you!

At Night

At night, I lay here and cry upon memories witch you have so easily forgotten.

At night, I dream of what could have been, what shoud have been.

At night, I wonder if you are near or far.

At night, I can hear you're voice, Oh how it mocks me so.

At night, I dive into a world of fantacy were I am the princess and you my prince charming.

At night, I can see you're eyes, and the way they can look into mine and not feel a thing.

At night, I pray for the sun not to rise for it brings another day with out you in my life.


Friday, August 7, 2009

Dedicated to my sons

Where does time go?
It seems like yesterday
that you were born
so tiny, so fragil, yet so full of life

You filled my days with joy
Your first smile, your first step, your first word.

Then came your school days
I was more afraid than you
but you did well all the way through

Today I look at you and see
what a young fine man you turn out to be

I thank the Lord for guiding me
to raise such a wonderful family.

Susana Rios

Thursday, August 6, 2009



Waiting for departure.

Through turbulence,

Numb amongst the traveled air,


A destination,



But fair.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Somebody woke up like any other day

feeling like nothing new would ever happen

the day was gray, no bright sun, no laughs, no people

Erroneously somebody has been thinking

life is boring, boring as an empty creepy room

without a tiny piece of amusement

the t.v. is there, sadness is also present,

but where is the happiness?

Somebody is always very stressed

stressed with personal issues not worth mentioning

but that non the less create stress

somebody feels the weight of 1 million pounds

why can't it go away?

Somebody has come to realize, stress is a key factor

in people's miserable lives, great that somebody realized it

and what is the point of realizing it, might as well

do something about it

Why not enjoying a rainy day, eating cereal by the window

crunch, crunch, milk down the throat, rain falling,

what a great, amazing day!